Friday, May 20, 2011

My Niece is Graduating from High School!!!

So 2 years ago I posted some Senior pictures for my niece Angelica. Well today I get to post them for her sister and my 2nd niece to graduate from High School!!! (so far no nephews to this age).  Let me know what you think!!

 I just like this one!!!

 I know that this one is the same as the one below (with a few changes), but I can't decide which one I like more!!!

 Love the laughing! (even though she is laughing at me)!

 Another Favorite!! I like the way the school name fits in!


Isn't she a cutie!!!!!

* All content copyrighted to Reb Sumner Photos

1 comment:

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I like the second and the third from the top and the one that says "attitude". They are all good though. She seems very smart. Good job with photography:)